Permian Basin Map: 2nd Edition
World Oil's Permian Basin Map published in December 2017. The Permian basin of West Texas is currently the largest concentration of new drilling activity in the United States.
Scoop/Stack Map
Scoop/Stack Map is published by World Oil. Oklahoma's Anadarko basin has become second only to the Permian basin as a popular and prolific area of shale activity in the U.S., courtesy of two specific plays. The SCOOP (South Central Oklahoma Oil Province) play has seen interest skyrocket since 2012, when Continental Resources first looked for oil-based resources adjacent to its Woodford gas holdings. The STACK (Sooner Trend Anadarko Basin Canadian and Kingfisher Counties) play, like the SCOOP, is not new. Yet, it has been revitalized by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing.
Permian Basin Map, 3rd edition
World Oil's Permian Basin Map published in December 2018. The Permian basin of West Texas is currently the largest concentration of new drilling activity in the United States.
Eagle Ford / Austin Chalk Map
World Oil's Eagle Ford map published in March 2019. Often referred to as the little brother of the Permian basin, the Eagle Ford shale came of age during the five-year U.S. unconventional boom of 2010-2014. Operators were lured to plentiful reserves of oil, gas and condensate. The rapid development and oil production growth, accompanied by traffic snarls and a worker housing shortage, came to a grinding halt at the end of 2014, when the oil price crashed.
Energy Map of Mexico, 2019 edition
With Mexico's significant surge of developments in energy infrastructure in the past few years, this map crucially provides the information you need to make an informed decision on investing or growing your presence in the region.
Northern Asia-Pacific LNG Map, 1st edition
From Alaska to Singapore the map has comprehensive data, charts and illustrations to give authoritative analysis of trends in the Northern Asia-Pacific region's LNG industry.
Asia-Pacific LNG Map, 2nd edition
Comprehensive data, charts and illustrations are used within the map to give authoritative analysis of trends in the region's LNG industry.
North America LNG Map, 1st edition
Comprehensive data, charts and illustrations are used within the map to give authoritative analysis of trends in the region's LNG industry.
Energy Map of Northern Europe, 2009
Comprehensive data, charts and illustrations are used within the map to give authoritative analysis of trends in the region's energy industry.