A high-quality, hard-bound book, produced by Petroleum
Economist's specialist energy cartographers. Containing 138 maps and over 300
full-colour pages the atlas also includes a CD-ROM from which you can download
the map images for use in presentations and reports.
Table of Contents
The map plates, all fully updated for 2013, use
satellite-derived base-map imagery to help users visualise how facilities such
as pipelines and LNG projects relate to the geographical terrain.
The maps show all major:
- Oil and gas fields
- Oil, gas and products pipelines (including those
under construction and planned)
- Oil refineries
- Tanker terminals
- Gas processing plants
- Underground gas storage facilities
- Independent oil storage facilities (above
- LNG export plants (existing, under construction,
planned and speculative)
- LNG import terminals (existing, under
construction, planned and speculative)
Also included is a World Energy Statistics section,
featuring world maps to illustrate production and consumption data by country
for all the major energy types. Data is drawn from a range of sources,
including BP Statistical Review, Cedigaz, EA Gibson Shipbrokers and the World
Energy Council.
The World Energy Atlas is divided into 9 regional sections
and also contains a comprehensive index of place names, making it very easy to
locate any area of particular interest.